In 2025, PNU has maintained its position and remains among the top ten domestic institutions in the field of higher education and science. According to updated official data published on the Scimago Institutions Rankings website, in 2025, Precarpathian National University continues to hold the 9th place in the prestigious international Scimago ranking among 61 higher education institutions and research organizations in Ukraine.
SCImago Institutions Rankings is a global ranking of scientific institutions that has been published since 2009 by the SCImago research organization (Spain), which includes members of the Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) from the University of Granada, Charles III University of Madrid, the University of Alcalá, the University of Extremadura, and other major educational institutions in Spain. The SCImago Institutions Rankings is based on a classification of academic and research institutions ranked according to a complex indicator that combines three different sets of metrics based on research performance, innovation, and societal impact.
SCImago Institutions Rankings is a prestigious scientometric ranking that relies on the Scopus database. SCIMago ranks scientific organizations, not just universities. For ranking purposes, the calculation is generated annually based on results obtained over a five-year period, which ends two years before the publication of the ranking. For example, if the 2024 publication year is selected, results from the five-year period 2018–2022 will be used. The only exception is web indicators, which are calculated once for the most recent year.
Inclusion criteria:
- Over the last year of the selected period, institutions must have published at least 100 works included in the SCOPUS database.
- Cited documents (articles, book chapters, conference papers, reviews, and short overviews) must constitute at least 75% of the total number of documents published by the institution.
SCImago Institutions Rankings evaluates scientific organizations based on 21 indicators and analyzes universities and research institutions using a composite indicator that combines three different sets of metrics based on research activity, innovation initiatives, and societal impact, which is measured through web visibility.
The ranking is divided into separate sections, including governance, healthcare, higher education, and others. Each of these is evaluated in areas such as research results, the level of international cooperation development, normalized impact, and the number of publications.
The results of this year’s Scimago ranking can be found at the following link: