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Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, and Head of the Public Management and Administration. |
Personal informationMain publicationsActivitiesContacts
In 2003, she graduated from Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian University with a qualification as an “Accountant-Economist” in the specialty “Accounting and Auditing.”
After graduation, she worked as an accountant at Ivano-Frankivsk Timber Plant JSC and later pursued postgraduate studies.
Since 2005, she has been employed at Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.
In 2008, she defended her dissertation in the specialty 08.00.04 – Economics and Enterprise Management (by types of economic activity), on the topic “Improvement of Industry Structure in Agricultural Enterprises.”
In 2011, she received the academic title of Associate Professor of the Department of Accounting and Auditing.
Since 2019, she has been a member of the editorial board of the scientific journal “Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University.”
From 2021 to 2023, she served as a member of the working group for developing the development strategy of the Institute of Postgraduate Education and Pre-University Training.
Member of the Quality Council of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2019-2021).
From 2019 to 2023, she was the head of the Department of Management and Business Administration.
Since January 2024, she has held the position of Head of the Department of Public Administration and Administration.
Platforms and services: Microsoft services and software products, Google tools, VistaCreate, Canva, Prezi, Diagrams.net, Kahoot, Mentimeter, QR Generator, Cutt.ly, Zoom, Cisco Webex, and others.
Award from the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration and the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council “For Significant Achievements in the Field of Science and Education,” 2018.
Acknowledgment from the Department of Education and Science of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council for a high level of organization and conduct of the training “Formulating an Educational Institution Development Strategy” for leaders of general secondary education institutions of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Territorial Community, 2023.
Appreciation from the Head of the Zabolotiv Territorial Community for preparing highly qualified specialists in the field of public administration and administration, 2024.
Appreciation from the Department of Education and Science of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration “For High Professionalism, Significant Personal Contribution to the Development of Education in Prykarpattia, Training of Managerial Personnel, and on the Occasion of Constitution Day of Ukraine,” 2024.
Appreciation from the Head of the Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Council “For Diligent Work, High Professionalism, Personal Contribution to the Training of Highly Qualified Managerial Personnel, and on the Occasion of Science Day,” 2024.
Scopus Author ID : 56294378400
ORCID https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8519-5529
ResearcherID https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/record/HJI-3701- 2023
Google scholar
https://scholar.google.com.ua/citations?view_op=list_works&hl=uk&user=bwcyw IsAAAAJ
Scientific Publications in Journals Indexed in Scopus and/or Web of Science:
- Zoriana Buryk, Olha Zhuk, Iryna Boryshkevych, Iryna Piatnychuk, Nataliia Horohotska, Nataliia Varenia (2019). Mechanisms of Management of Social and Economic Security of the State on the Basis of Data Formalization (Case of Ukraine): International Business Information Management Conference (34th IBIMA), Madrid, Spain, 13-14 November 2019. (WoS)
- Pavlova, O., Pavlov, K., Novosad, O., Irtyshcheva, I., Popadynets, N., Hryhoruk, I., Gelich, N., Suriak, A., Makara, O., Zhuk, O., Boiko, Y. (2021). Strategic Priorities for Socio-economic Development of Ukraine in Comparison with the Republic of Poland. In: Karwowski W., Ahram T., Etinger D., Tanković N., Taiar R. (eds) Human Systems Engineering and Design III. IHSED 2020*. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1269. Springer, Cham.
- Yakubiv V., Zhuk O., Prodanova I. (2014). Model of Balanced Agricultural Development of a Region Through Sustainable Use of Biomass Energy Potential. *Economic Annals – XXI*, No. 3-4(1), pp. 86-89.
- Volodymyr Zagorsky, Faig Rahimov, Natalia Horbova, Olha Zhuk, Larysa Pershko, Iryna Mihu (2023). Socio-economic Aspect of Territorial Organization of Power. Economic Affairs, Vol. 68, No. 03, pp. 1555-1564. URL: [https://ndpublisher.in/admin/issues/EAv68n4v.pdf](https://ndpublisher.in/admin/issues/EAv68n4v.pdf) [https://doi.org/10.46852/0424-2513.3.2023.22](https://doi.org/10.46852/0424-2513.3.2023.22)
- Marta Karpa, Taras Kitsak, Olha Domsha, Olha Zhuk, Liudmyla Akimova, Oleksandr Akimov (2023). Artificial Intelligence as a Tool of Public Management of Socio-economic Development: Economic Systems, Smart Infrastructure, Digital Systems of Business. AD ALTA: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, No. 13/01-XXXIV, pp. 13-20. URL:(http://www.magnanimitas.cz/ADALTA/130134/papers/A_02.pdf)
Scientific publications in periodicals included in specialized publications of Ukraine (over the last 5 years):
- Томашевська А.В., Жук О.І. Функції та повноваження посадових осіб органів місцевого самоврядування в процесі залучення інвестицій. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. 2024. № 15. С. 228-234
DOI: https://doi.org/10.32702/2306-6814.2024.15.228
- Жук О.І. Залучення капітальних інвестицій в економіку України на регіональному рівні: ключові аспекти. Державне управління: удосконалення та розвиток. 2024. № 8. DOI: http://doi.org/10.32702/2307-2156.2024.8.9
- Боришкевич І. І., Гой Н. В., Жук О. І. Теоретичні основи управлінського потенціалу керівника у сфері охорони здоров’я. Інвестиції: практика та досвід. 2024. № 1. 67-72. https://doi.org/10.32702/2306-6814.2024.1.67
- Olha Zhuk, Nataliia Hoi. Tax Policy Formation in the Context of European Integration Processes. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. Vol. 10, No. 2 (2023). Pp. 69-76. https://doi.org/10.15330/jpnu.10.2.69-76 (specialized category B)
- Boryshkevych I., Hoy N., Zhuk O., Sala D. Development of Marketing Strategy on the Example of an IT Company. Journal of Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University. 2023. Vol. 10. No. 4. Pp. 31-45. https://doi.org/10.15330/jpnu.10.4.31-45 (specialized category B)
- Zhuk Olha, Drichak Stanislav, Shukerynets Vasyl. Informational and Analytical Supply in the Management System. Economics, Finance And Management Review. No. 2 (14). 2023. Pp. 103-109.
- Жук О.І., Гой Н.В. Податкове стимулювання розвитку бізнесу в умовах війни. Підприємництво і торгівля. 2022. Вип. 33. С.44-48. https://doi.org/10.36477/2522-1256-2022-33-06 (фаховий категорія Б)
- Томашевська А.В., Жук О.І. Управління фінансовими ресурсами підприємства в умовах кризи. Актуальні проблеми розвитку економіки регіону. 2022. Вип. 18. С. 60-67. (фаховий категорія Б).
- Жук О. І., Томашевська А. В., Боришкевич І. І. Фінансове планування суб’єктів бізнесу в системі фінансового менеджменту. Актуальні проблеми розвитку економіки регіону. 2022. Вип. 18. С. 103-112. (фаховий категорія Б).
- Мендела І.Я., Жук О.І. Креативне лідерство курортного бренду: ментальна та фізична доступність. Актуальні проблеми розвитку економіки регіону. 2022. Вип. 18. С. 231-238 (фаховий категорія Б).
- Гой Н., Жук О., Басараб В. Модель управління системою мотивації персоналу в закладах освіти. Освітні обрії. 2021. Т. 53. № 2. С. 56-61. https://doi.org/10.15330/obrii.53.2.56-61 (фаховий категорія Б).
- Боришкевич І. І., Жук О. І., П’ятничук І. Д. Використання основних інструментів тайм-менеджменту задля підвищення особистої ефективності // Ефективна економіка. 2020. № 5. URL : http://www.economy.nayka.com.ua/?op=1&z=7876 (фаховий категорія Б).
- Hoi N., Zhuk O. Basarab V. Features of the Motivation System for the Development of Pedagogical Staff. Educational Horizons. 2020. Vol. 51, No. 2. Pp. 113-118. (specialized category B).
- Hoi N., Zhuk O. World Experience in Improving the Motivation System for the Development of Pedagogical Staff. Educational Horizons. 2020. Vol. 50. No. 1. Pp. 131-135. https://doi.org/10.15330/obrii.50.1.131-135 (specialized category B).
Monographs (including collective monographs):
- Баланюк І.Ф. Галузева структура виробництва в сільськогосподарських підприємствах : монографія / І. Ф. Баланюк,
О. І. Жук. – Івано-Франківськ : Вид-во Прикарпатського національного університету імені Василя Стефаника, 2011. 184 с.
- Жук О.І. Основні засади побудови обліку в системі оподаткування суб’єкта господарювання / Сучасний бухгалтерський облік, аналіз і аудит: галузевий аспект: колективна монографія у 2 т. / за ред. П.Й. Атамас. – Дніпропетровськ : “Герда”, 2013. Т.1 с. 80-87
- Жук О.І. Особливості обліку та оподаткування діяльності суб’єктів малого підприємництва / Обліково-аналітичне забезпечення господарської діяльності: колективна монографія / за ред. І.Ф. Баланюка, Н.І. Пилипів, В.М. Якубів. – Івано-Франківськ : Друкарня “Фоліант”, 2014. – С. 42-50
- Zhuk O., Tomashevska A. ANALYSIS OF UKRAINE’S GDP DYNAMICS IN THE GLOBAL CONTEXT. Series of monographs Faculty of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Applied Arts Katowice School of Technology. Monograph 42 the role of technology in the socio-economic development of the postquarantine world. 2020. P. 57-65 URL: http://www.wydawnictwo.wst.pl/oferta_wydawnicza_oraz_zakup_publikacji/wydawnictwa/
- Томашевська А.В., Жук О.І. Розвиток польсько-української співпраці:макроекономічний аспект / А.В. Томашевська, Жук О.І. Колективна монографія Прогнозування і планування розвитку економіки: мікроекономічний та макроекономічний рівні. Латвія. 2019 C.76-92
- Гой Н.В., Жук О.І. Теоретичні основи удосконалення системи управління мотивацією персоналу в закладах освіти. MODERNÍ ASPEKTY VĚDY Svazek XІV mezinárodní kolektivní monografie. 2021 p. 549-578 URL : http://perspectives.pp.ua/public/site/mono/monography-11.pdf
- Yakubiv V., Boryshkevych I., Pyatnychuk I., Hryhoruk I., Zhuk O., Horohotska N. Scientific Work “Methodical Recommendations for Performing and оформлення of Course Papers in the Discipline of “Strategic Management” for Master’s Students in Specialty 073 “Management,” Educational Program “Business Administration.” No. 98476. Registration Date: 07.07.2020.
- Pyatnychuk I., Horohotska N., Yakubiv V., Zhuk O., Boryshkevych I., Hryhoruk I. Scientific Work “Methodical Recommendations for Performing Course Papers in the Discipline of “Theory of Public Administration” for Bachelor Students in Specialty 281 “Public Administration and Management” under the Educational Program “Public Administration and Management.” No. 98474. Registration Date: 07.07.2020.
- Horohotska N., Yakubiv V., Zhuk O., Boryshkevych I., Pyatnychuk I., Hryhoruk I. Literary Written Scientific Work “Integrated Program for Production Practice and Methodical Recommendations.” No. 98478. Registration Date: 07.07.2020.
- Boryshkevych I., Pyatnychuk I., Yakubiv V., Hryhoruk I., Zhuk O., Horohotska N. Scientific Work “Methodical Recommendations for Performing Bachelor’s Theses for Bachelor’s Students in Specialty 073 “Management,” Educational Program “Business Administration.” No. 98477. Registration Date: 07.07.2020.
- Zhuk O., Yakubiv V., Horohotska N., Boryshkevych I., Pyatnychuk I., Hryhoruk I. Scientific Work “Methodical Recommendations for Performing Diplomas for Master’s Students in Specialty 073 “Management,” Educational Program “Business Administration.” No. 98475. Registration Date: 07.07.2020.
- Yakubiv V., Zhuk O., Horohotska N., Maksymiv Y., Hryhoruk I. Scientific Work “Innovative Scientific and Practical Project” “Model of Balanced Development of an Agricultural Region Using Biomass Energy Potential.” Author’s Certificate No. 96814, Registration Date: 20.03.2020.
Project Participation:
Participant in the research project “Development of an Investment Passport for the City of Sniatyn” (2014).
Participant in the development of the Comprehensive Program for the Prospects of the Agro-Industrial Complex and Rural Development in the Ivano-Frankivsk Region for 2005-2010 and up to 2015.
Co-author of the “Investment Development Program for the City of Ivano-Frankivsk” (2015).
Participant in the implementation of the project “Economic and Legal Mechanism of State Policy for the Development of Ukraine’s Solid Biofuel Market” (2018).
Participant in the implementation of the international DOBRE project within the framework of the USAID program “Decentralization Brings Better Results and Effectiveness” (2019-2021), which included professional development for civil servants.
Internships and Professional Development:
- Internship at the Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, certificate No. 46-35-176/2 dated July 5, 2018.
- Professional Development at Central Ukrainian National Technical University on the topic “Innovative Educational Technologies: European Experience and Its Implementation in Training Specialists in Economics and Management,” Certificate covering 180 hours (6 ECTS credits) from November 25 to December 23, 2020.
- Internship at Kharkiv Regional Institute of Public Administration, National Academy of Public Administration under the President of Ukraine, Topic: “Organization of the Educational Process in Specialized Disciplines of the Specialty ‘Public Administration and Administration’,” Certificate No. SV 23325597/29-21, covering 6 ECTS credits (180 hours), duration: from May 31, 2021, to July 12, 2021.
- Internship at Kherson State University, Topic: “Organization of the Educational Process in Distance Learning Using Modern Educational Technologies in Teaching Specialized Disciplines of ‘Public Administration and Administration’ and ‘Management’,” Qualification Certificate (Internship) No. 21-22/393, covering 6 ECTS credits (180 hours), duration: from May 18, 2022, to June 30, 2022.
- Internship at the Department of Infrastructure, Housing and Communal Policy of Ivano-Frankivsk City Council, Topic: “Features of Activities and Development Prospects of Public Sector Entities,” Reference No. 197/24-15/23в dated 26.12.2022, covering 2 ECTS credits (60 hours), duration: from November 21, 2022, to November 25, 2022, and from December 19, 2022, to December 23, 2022.
- Professional Development in the I Online School, Topic: “Digital Technologies in Scientific Research,” Certificate No. 20231213/174, covering 2 ECTS credits (60 hours), duration: from November 1, 2023, to December 13, 2023.
- International Professional Development “Sustainable Development: Global Discussion and Current Trends,” New York – London, Certificate No. 242070, covering 6 ECTS credits (180 hours), duration: from January 1, 2024, to February 12, 2024.
Informal Education:
- Financial Literacy Training conducted by representatives of OVB in Ukraine (2013).
- E-Governance Training conducted by the Consultative and Training Center “Entrepreneurship Support” (2013).
- Training Course “Paryus-Enterprise 7.40” Module “Management and Marketing” with the right to teach (2016).
- Online Course “Financial Management” Prometheus (2018).
- Online Course “Entrepreneurship. Starting a Business in Ukraine” Prometheus (2018).
- Online Course “Creative Thinking” BYM ONLINE (2019).
- Online Course “Design Thinking for Innovation” Prometheus (2019).
- Online Course “Interaction of Public Authorities with the Public” Prometheus (2019).
- Online Training “Digital Literacy for Civil Servants Based on Google Tools” DiiA Digital Education Portal (2020).
- Online Course “Finance for Non-Financial Professionals” Coursera (2020).
- Online Course “Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal and Professional Productivity” Coursera (2020).
- Online Master Class on “Using Google Services in the Educational Process” Distance Academy (2020).
- Online Course “Personal Effectiveness” Educational Hub (2020).
- Training “Decentralization Offering Better Results and Efficiency” conducted by experts from the Malopolska School of Public Administration as part of the DOBRE program (2020).
- Data Analyst. Introduction to Excel Prometheus (2023).
- ChatGPT for Enhancing Personal Effectiveness Prometheus (2023).
- Professional Development for Educators: New Requirements and Opportunities Prometheus (2023).
- Educational Tools for Critical Thinking Prometheus (2023).
- Crisis Management in Public Administration Educational Hub (2023).
- Crisis Communications DiiA Portal (2023).
- Digital Security on a Personal Level Prometheus (2023).
- Academic Integrity: Online Course for Educators Prometheus (2023).
- Effective Communications for Educational Managers EDRA (2023).
- Regional Digital Transformation DiiA Portal (2023).
- Financial Justification of Management Decisions BYM ONLINE (2023).
- Data Visualization Prometheus (2023).
- What’s Next: Business on Sustainable Development DiiA Portal (2023).
- Electronic Signature DiiA Portal (2023).
- Winter Economic School “Ukraine-EU, Steps to Accession: Regional Dimension”, January 25, 2024, to January 31, 2024.
- Creation of Institutions for Local Economic Development of Communities Prometheus (2024).
- University of the Future: Secrets of Successful Management in Education Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University (2024).
Public Activity:
Chair of the Public Organization “School of Business and Management.”
Member of the Public Organization “European Center for Innovative Development and Intellectual Partnership.”